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Sélectionnez un champ de compétence :
Sélectionnez un champ de compétence:
| ID8164
Diplom Betriebswirt FH
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Russian (good knowledge),
2 ans Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG, Würzburg Automotive
3 ans BorgWarner Turbosystems Worldwide Headquarters GmbH Automotive
3 ans BorgWarner Turbosystems GmbH Automotive
3 ans MBtech - Mercedes Benz Technology GmbH Automotive
Aufbau und Leitung eines Global Program Management Office
(1. priorité: Project Management)
Mehrjährige Projektmanagement-Erfahrung in der Produktentwicklung
(2. priorité: Research & Development)
Planung, Umsetzung & Roll-Out diverser EDV-/ IT-Lösungen in unterschiedlichen Branchen
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: Research & Development
3. priorité: IT
| ID8131
Doctor of business administration (DBA)
German (mother tongue), Spanish (excellent knowledge), English (excellent knowledge), French (good knowledge), Chinese(mandarin) (good knowledge), Japanese (basic knowledge),
0 ans BMW Group AG Automotive
25 ans MTU Aero Engines AG Aerospace and spacecraft
5 ans BI Consulting Dr. Issel Aerospace and spacecraft
Constultant für Controlling-Cockpits, Costing Experte
(1. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Procurement
| ID8085
Diplom Informatiker
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Procurement
| ID8041
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
19 ans Automobilzulieferer Interior Exterior etc. Automotive
Cost Engineering
(1. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: Quality Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID8025
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Dutch (very good knowledge),
9 ans Projekte für Banken, Finanzdienstleiter Data processing, information technology
Projektleiter agile und controlled
(1. priorité: Project Management)
Functional Analyst, Security Architect, Information Security Specialist
(2. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Legal
| ID7960
Turnaround Management
German (mother tongue), English (basic knowledge),
14 ans ee factor agile consulting GmbH Business services
Erfahrener (Top)Manager und digitaler Transformator
(1. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Quality Management
| ID7747
IT Professional (Medewerker Beheer Informatiesystemen)
Dutch (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), German (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
4 ans Trelleborg Sealing Solutions GmbH, Stuttgart mechanical engineering
2 ans S.M.A. Metalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Backnang Automotive
0 ans Felss Group GmbH, Pforzheim mechanical engineering
7 ans BAM Deutschland AG, Stuttgart construction industry
2 ans Ricardo Deutschland GmbH, Schwäbisch Gmünd Automotive
0 ans PC-WARE Information Technologies AG, Leipzig Business services
0 ans BOSTER GmbH, Karlsruhe Business services
7 ans Trelleborg Sealing Solutions BV, Barendrecht (NL) mechanical engineering
1 ans Senior Associate Software Engineer Business services
2 ans PTS Nederland BV, Bussum (NL) Business services
Siehe Lebenslauf
(1. priorité: IT)
25 Jahre IT-Erfahrung von On Premises bis zur Cloud
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
| ID7746
German (mother tongue), Spanish (excellent knowledge), English (very good knowledge),
10 ans TCC Automotive
0 ans Alliance Automotive Group Germany Automotive
12 ans Automotive Internet Shop GmbH Automotive
1. priorité: Sales
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Marketing
| ID7664
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID7566
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
19 ans Johnson Controls Automotive
3 ans Cenit AG Systemhaus Data processing, information technology
3 ans Diehl Remscheid GmbH Automotive
11 ans Dörries Scharmann GmbH mechanical engineering
Chief Information Officer / Chief Operating Officer (CIO / COO)
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Human Resources
3. priorité: Project Management
| ID7543
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
9 ans Groz-Beckert KG Metal production / processing, Metal products
2 ans Haugg Holding GmbH mechanical engineering
2 ans Kelch GmbH mechanical engineering
10 ans Wöhrle Metallwarenfabrik GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
1. priorité: Production
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID7406
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
40 ans Manfred Rausch Automotive
Herstellung von Unternehmenssteuerungs-Software für Automobilzulieferer
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: Logistics
| ID7392
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
8 ans Valeo Automotive
2 ans Visteon | Kerpen & Detroit (USA) | Automotive
3 ans Valfsan International | Tuzla (Istanbul) Automotive
Launch Manager - Projektmanager; • Management Entwicklungsprojekte Automotive • Management Produktionsverlagerung / Anlaufproduktion
(1. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: Research & Development
3. priorité: IT
| ID7389
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Spanish (excellent knowledge),
1 ans UDI Green Energy Power supply (electricity, gas, district heating)
3 ans Intranav Gmbh Data processing, information technology
5 ans BEFESA International Metal production / processing, Metal products
10 ans Magna International Automotive
13 ans Siemens AG, Siemens VDO Automotive
General Manager Formex Mexico, und Thailand
(1. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: Production
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID7367
Dipl.-Ing (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge), Polish (basic knowledge),
22 ans cc-markets GmbH&Co .KG, Data processing, information technology
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID7350
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), French (good knowledge),
11 ans Elbeflugzeugwerke EFW Dresden Aerospace and spacecraft
Beratung in Bezug auf Catia V5 / Unternehmensorganisation / CAD - CAM
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID7286
Diplom Wirtschaftsmathematiker
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Portuguese (basic knowledge),
6 ans Madison Industries mechanical engineering
4 ans KraussMaffei Group mechanical engineering
Aufbau einer globalen Business getriebenen IT-Organisation
(1. priorité: IT)
S/4 HANA Implementierung
(2. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Finance
| ID7283
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
31 ans Ford Werke GmbH Automotive
Optimierung der Lieferketten
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Bestellsystem für Händler
(2. priorité: IT)
(3. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Project Management
| ID7272
Dipl. Informatiker equiv. to M.Sc. Computer Science
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (good knowledge),
27 ans Magna, Leoni Automotive
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: Project Management
| ID7262
Dipl. Informatiker
English (mother tongue), Dutch (very good knowledge), German (basic knowledge),
13 ans Rheinmetall, Aliaxes Automotive
SAP S/4HANA Programme / Project Management / Director
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
| ID7244
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
23 ans SAP SE Data processing, information technology
1 ans NC-Vision Data processing, information technology
4 ans FORCAM Data processing, information technology
2 ans EXA AG Data processing, information technology
4 ans CompAllianz Shanghai / Hong-Kong Business services
Management von Grossprojekten und Prorammen
(1. priorité: Project Management)
Restrukturierung von Softwarebau-Organisationen in skalierbare Einheiten
(2. priorité: IT)
Innovationsmanagment von neuen Technologien in der Produktion
(3. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Production
| ID7152
Dipl.-Ing. (univ.)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
0 ans Expertplace Networks Group AG Data processing, information technology
-1 ans Brunel GmbH Business services
1 ans ISR Information Products AG Electronics
Senior Interim Manager HR/Recruiting/Employer Branding
(1. priorité: Human Resources)
1. priorité: Human Resources
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Project Management
| ID7058
Bachelor of Arts
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
30 ans Fehrer Automotive, Borg Warner, Vossloh, Akasol Automotive
1. priorité: Procurement
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: IT
| ID7036
Dipl. Wirtschaftsinformatiker
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
27 ans msg Unternehmensgruppe, Ismaning b. München, VOGT electronic AG, Obernzell/Erlau bei Passau Automotive
Leiter IT
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Controlling
| ID7014
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
2 ans HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH Credit / Insurance, Property & Leasing, Leasing
8 ans mindful-people (ex HCC-GD) Unternehmens- und Managementberatung Business services
2 ans GSW Immobilien AG Credit / Insurance, Property & Leasing, Leasing
2 ans HOERBIGER Deutschland GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
2 ans developay Unternehmensberatung Berlin Business services
16 ans Daimler AG, Berlin Automotive
1 ans Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin Credit / Insurance, Property & Leasing, Leasing
Einführen von HR-IT-Systemen
(1. priorité: Human Resources)
Personaloptimierung, Stellenabbau, Standortverlagerung
(1. priorité: Human Resources)
1. priorité: Human Resources
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID6990
Diplom-Kaufmann / MBA
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Human Resources
| ID6977
Dr. rer. soc.oec.
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge),
1 ans Kramski GmbH Automotive
5 ans Winkels Getränke Logistik GmbH & Co. Holding KG Food industry / tobacco processing
5 ans Bosch Lawn & Garden Ltd- Electronics
2 ans Robert Bosch GmbH - Power Tools Division Electronics
1 ans American Appraisal Germny GmbH Automotive
7 ans Ernst & Young AG Automotive
Implementierung Reportingsystem
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Verbesserung des Controllings
(1. priorité: Controlling)
(2. priorité: Finance)
SAP Einführungen
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID6975
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
4 ans TDM Systems GmbH mechanical engineering
4 ans SAP SE Data processing, information technology
4 ans SAP SE Data processing, information technology
5 ans SAP AG Data processing, information technology
1 ans SAP AG Data processing, information technology
3 ans Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG mechanical engineering
4 ans Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG mechanical engineering
6 ans Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG mechanical engineering
Deutlich bessere Abläufe in Vertrieb und Marketing, inkl. Professionalisierung des Vertriebs durch Partner und des Key Account Managements
(1. priorité: Sales)
Deutlich bessere Abläufe im Produktentstehungsprozess durch Einführung agiler Methoden
(2. priorité: Research & Development)
Leiter Informationstechnik
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Sales
2. priorité: Research & Development
3. priorité: IT
| ID6957
Bachelor of Science
English (mother tongue), Hindi (excellent knowledge), German (excellent knowledge), Arabic (basic knowledge),
IT Management
(1. priorité: IT)
IT off Shore Management
(2. priorité: Project Management)
Sales & Senior Sales Representative
(3. priorité: Sales)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Sales
| ID6955
German (mother tongue), Russian (excellent knowledge), Armenian (excellent knowledge), English (excellent knowledge),
17 ans Autoneum, Kostal Automotive
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID6940
Dr. rer. nat.
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Russian (good knowledge),
18 ans SSI Schäfer mechanical engineering
6 ans Arete Software GmbH Data processing, information technology
5 ans Inovex GmbH Data processing, information technology
Innovative Software-Architekturen
(1. priorité: IT)
Optimierung der Prozesse und des Materialflusses
(2. priorité: Logistics)
Gute Teams über Kulturen hinweg zu bilden
(3. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: Project Management
| ID6935
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
3 ans ISD Group Data processing, information technology
Konstruktionsingenieur und Entwicklungsingenieur Maschinenbau
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Sales
3. priorité: IT
| ID6931
Diplom Informatiker
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
1 ans Coutts & Co. Credit / Insurance, Property & Leasing, Leasing
(1. priorité: Project Management)
Hands-on Controlling und Systembetrieb
(2. priorité: Controlling)
Implementierung und Betrieb von Softwaresystemen
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID6930
Dr. rer. pol
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
9 ans MAHAG GmbH - Unternehmensgruppe Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Sales
| ID6916
Stattlich geprüfter Techniker für Informatik
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Human Resources
| ID6913
Staatlich geprüfter Elektrotechniker / Automatisierungstechniker
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
31 ans Siemens, Schäffler, Rockwell Automation Automotive
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
| ID6911
Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) Mechatronik
Turkish (mother tongue), German (excellent knowledge), English (very good knowledge),
27 ans Siemens, Grenzebach Automation GmbH, Prokasro GmbH mechanical engineering
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
| ID6880
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
1 ans e.GO Mobile AG Automotive
2 ans Yanfeng Europe Automotive Interior Systems Management Limited & Co. KG Automotive
26 ans Adient Bochum Ltd. & Co. KG (ehemals Johnson Controls Objekt Bochum GmbH & Co.KG) Automotive
Strategische und operative Führung einer Logistik Abteilung
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Strategische und operative Führung der IT-Abteilung, bestehend aus 3 Administratoren und 6 JIT-Operatoren.
(2. priorité: IT)
(3. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Project Management
| ID6847
ohne Titel
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge), Romanian (basic knowledge),
3 ans Terex Global GmbH mechanical engineering
Strategische Entwicklung Qualitätsbereich
(1. priorité: Quality Management)
Produktionsverantwortliche für den Anlauf Werk China
(2. priorité: Production)
Programmmanagerin Manufacturing Execution System
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Quality Management
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: IT
| ID6832
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Portuguese (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
1 ans Efaflex Tor- und Sicherheitssysteme GmbH 6 ans Co. KG mechanical engineering
5 ans MD Elektronik GmbH Automotive
1 ans Coaching Concepts GmbH & Co. KG Business services
12 ans Lisa Dräxlmaier GmbH Automotive
7 ans Brasil Verde Agroindústrias S.A., Brasilien Metal production / processing, Metal products
1 ans CHSA Consulting, Pitangui, Brasilien Business services
3 ans ZF do Brasil, Sorocaba, Brasilien mechanical engineering
8 ans John Deere Werke Mannheim mechanical engineering
1 ans Signumat do Brasil, Blumenau, Brasilien Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
Sehr breite und fundierte internationale Einkaufserfahrung
(1. priorité: Procurement)
Erfahrung mit Wareneingang und Lager
(2. priorité: Logistics)
1. priorité: Procurement
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: IT
| ID6717
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
20 ans acts automotive gmbh Data processing, information technology
2 ans Tecdoc Informations System GmbH Data processing, information technology
6 ans Chrysler Import Deutschland GmbH Automotive
Leitung und Koordination von Projektteams
(1. priorité: Project Management)
Koordination und Leitung von IT-Projekten
(2. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Quality Management
| ID6716
Diplom Volkswirt
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Spanish (excellent knowledge), Slovak (basic knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
9 ans Vacuumschmelze GmbH & Co KG Metal production / processing, Metal products
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID6701
Diplom Volkswirtin
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Human Resources
| ID6642
Diplom Betriebswirtin
Russian (mother tongue), German (excellent knowledge), English (very good knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
Leitung Konzernrechnungswesen
(1. priorité: Finance)
immer als angrenzender Bereich meiner Tätigkeit im externen Rechnungswesen
(2. priorité: Controlling)
immer als Teil meiner Tätigkeit bei Prozessdesign und Set Ups
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID6616
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
6 ans Novem Car Interior Automotive
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID6554
Italian (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
32 ans San Marco Imaging / Gretag Imaging Group mechanical engineering
(1. priorité: Finance)
(2. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID6541
Dipl. Ing.
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
60 ans IBM Deutschland Data processing, information technology
Aigiles Projektmanagement
(2. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Sales
| ID6524
Dr. oec.
German (mother tongue), English (basic knowledge),
0 ans Francotyp Postalia Holding AG Electronics
Experte für Konzernrechnungswesen HGB /IFRS
(1. priorité: Finance)
Zusammenarbeit mit Controlling Bereich
(2. priorité: Controlling)
Implementierung Pflege und Weiterentwicklung von IT-Systemen
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID6502
Dr. rer. pol.
German (mother tongue), French (excellent knowledge), English (excellent knowledge),
15 ans Eisenmann SE Plant engineering
2 ans Renault S.A., Paris Automotive
9 ans Renault Nissan Deutschland AG, Brühl und Deutsche Renault AG, Brühl Automotive
6 ans Michelin Reifenwerke KGaA, Karlsruhe Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
Implementierung von Prozessen, Methoden (u.a. IFRS), globalen Organisationen, Liquiditätsplanung, globales Reporting
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Finanzierungskonzepte erarbeiten und umsetzen / Bankenkommunikation
(2. priorité: Finance)
M+A Projekte und Prozesse erfolgreich umsetzen
(2. priorité: Finance)
IT-Bereiche restrukturieren, Einführung SAP, Projektmanagement
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID6457
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Russian (very good knowledge),
1 ans Schumacher Packaging GmbH paper industry
Implementierung von Digitalisierungslösungen
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Production
| ID6450
20 ans HDF KINO e.V., Berlin (Kinobetreiber-Verband), Automotive Electronics und Ebay , Paypal Mail, courier / telecommuter services
1. priorité: Legal
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID6365
Mittlere Reife
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: Procurement
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Project Management
| ID6218
Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
3 ans procar rheinland GmbH Data processing, information technology
16 ans Toyota Informations-Systeme GmbH Data processing, information technology
Führen mit Zahlen
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Lean Projectmanagement
(2. priorité: Project Management)
IT als Profitcenter
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID6194
Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge),
4 ans Cooper Standard Automotive (Deutschland) GmbH Automotive
1 ans Valeo Beleuchtung Deutschland GmbH Automotive
2 ans Dragenopharm A. P. GmbH Manufacture of pharmaceutical products
2 ans Automotive Components Penzberg GmbH Automotive
2 ans Metzeler Schaum GmbH Chemical industry
3 ans Merkel Group Metal production / processing, Metal products
6 ans Huntsman ICI GmbH Chemical industry
Ergebnisverbesserung/ Restrukturierung
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Projekte und Prozessoptimierung
(2. priorité: Finance)
IT- Projekte
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID6158
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
1. priorité: Sales
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Service
| ID6157
bachelor IT / Economy
Dutch (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (excellent knowledge), German (very good knowledge),
19 ans interim manager - senior Berater Other public and personal services
digital transformation
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Service
| ID6141
Master of Engineering
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
0 ans Sitech Sitztechnik GmbH Automotive
9 ans MAN Truck & Bus SE Automotive
1 ans Schwarze GmbH & Co. KG Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
1 ans Dr. Ing. H. c. F. Porsche AG Automotive
Projektleiter und Coach für Projektleiter - klassisch und agil
(1. priorité: Project Management)
Logistik aus Leidenschaft
(2. priorité: Logistics)
Logistik und IT = eine starke unzertrennliche Verbindung
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: IT
| ID6140
Staatl. Gepr. Informatiker Fachrichtung Computer und Kommunikationstechnik
German (mother tongue),
3 ans Demmel AG Automotive
Head Of Supply Chain Management
(1. priorité: Logistics)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID6095
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
4 ans Johnson Controls Corporate Automotive
11 ans Johnson Controls Automotive Electronics Electronics
9 ans Johnson Controls Automotive Automotive
4 ans ROTH-Technik GmbH, Gaggenau Automotive
8 ans Frühere Stationen construction industry
Mergers Acquisitions Divestitures (M&A)
(1. priorité: IT)
CIO / Leiter IT
(1. priorité: IT)
CIO / Leiter IT
(2. priorité: IT)
Mergers Acquisitions Divestitures (M&A)
(2. priorité: IT)
Projektleitung / Projektassessment / Transformation / Change Management
(3. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Project Management
| ID6092
Diplom Betriebswirt
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
9 ans Kühne + Nagel (AG & Co.) KG, Bremen Business services
Supply Chain Management Erfahrung
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Projektmanagement in interdisziplinären Projekten
(2. priorité: Project Management)
Übersetzung Operativer Anforderungen in Pflichtenhefte und IT Anforderungen
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID6073
Dipl. Betriebswirt
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1 ans SEG Automotive Germany GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
4 ans FEV Europe GmbH Business services
0 ans Benteler International AG, Salzburg Metal production / processing, Metal products
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID6065
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
15 ans CT Formpolster GmbH Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
9 ans ContiTech Formpolster GmbH Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
4 ans Melitta Haushaltsprodukte GmbH Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
Werks- und Produktionslayout
(1. priorité: Production)
Entwicklung Schaumteile für KFZ-OEMs
(2. priorité: Project Management)
Austausch ERP
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Production
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID6023
Dipl. Betriebswirt
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
1 ans MEKRA Lang GmbH & Co. KG, Ergersheim, Deutschland Automotive
2 ans MEKRAtronics GmbH Electronics
10 ans Seiler Gebäudetechnik GmbH construction industry
2 ans Gießerei Heunisch GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
1 ans Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank Credit / Insurance, Property & Leasing, Leasing
(2. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: Production
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID6005
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
0 ans VWFS- Braunschweig Business services
0 ans DocMorris Manufacture of pharmaceutical products
1 ans Bayer / Covestro AG Chemical industry
Senior (Gesamt) Projektleiter/Projektmanager
(1. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Production
| ID5998
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge), French (good knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID5969
German (mother tongue), English (basic knowledge),
0 ans siehe CV Transport (land / ship / air), related auxiliary activities / additional business
siehe cv
(1. priorité: Project Management)
siehe CV
(2. priorité: Logistics)
siehe cv
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: IT
| ID5912
Betriebswirt (VWA)
German (mother tongue), Spanish (excellent knowledge), English (very good knowledge),
6 ans KACO GmbH + Co. KG Automotive
17 ans Richard Fritz GmbH + Co. KG Automotive
(1. priorité: Finance)
(2. priorité: Controlling)
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID5889
Master of Science
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Finance
| ID5887
MBA International Management
Hindi (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), German (good knowledge),
16 ans Draexlmaier GmbH Automotive
Project planning and excution
(1. priorité: Project Management)
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Research & Development
| ID5875
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
8 ans Yazaki Europe LTD Automotive
1 ans koesers Business services
13 ans TÜV Rheinland Holding AG Business services
Aufbau Controlling department national und international, Entwicklung Performance Management System
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Business Partner Rolle für Zentralbereichsleiter und Geschäftsführung
(2. priorité: Human Resources)
Controlling & Finance -Verantwortlicher IT Systemlandschaft & Systeme
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Human Resources
3. priorité: IT
| ID5840
Studium der Industriellen Verwaltung und Innovation
French (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), German (very good knowledge),
30 ans Allgaier France, BDR Therméa, MAGNA Automotive , Pharma Branche, Ingersoll Rand (EMEAI), Tata Steel France Rail , Rehau France, Constellium , smart France (Daimler) , CEC & PMGI, Automotive
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID5833
Dipl Ing.
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Arabic (basic knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
23 ans Dieverse Tätigkeiten Meistens Freiberuflich Automotive
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: IT
| ID5805
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
18 ans Continental AG Automotive
3 ans Johnson Controls Interiors GmbH & Co KG Automotive
12 ans Deutsche Bundeswehr Public Administration, Defense, Social Insurance
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Operative Kenntnisse im Bereich SCM
(1. priorité: Logistics)
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Globale Frachttender
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Aufbau und Führung internationaler SCM Organisationen und Strukturen
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Lean Projekte
(1. priorité: Logistics)
JIT / JIS im Bereich Automotive
(1. priorité: Logistics)
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Aufbau von KPI-Systemen
(2. priorité: Procurement)
Leitung diverser SAP Einfühungsprojekte
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID5740
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: Project Management
2. priorité: Research & Development
3. priorité: IT
| ID5684
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID5634
3 Abschlüsse: Dipl. Informatiker (Uni) + Executive MBA + Digital Leadership MicroMaster
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Russian (good knowledge),
10 ans E.ON Power supply (electricity, gas, district heating)
-5 ans Airbus Aerospace and spacecraft
Interim CIO / CDO
(1. priorité: IT)
Programm Manager (international / komplex)
(2. priorité: Project Management)
Re-orga / Restructuring / Right-sizing
(3. priorité: Human Resources)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Human Resources
| ID5628
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
5 ans Giesecke & Devrient mechanical engineering
1 ans TECOMAC GmbH Data processing, information technology
12 ans KNORR-BREMSE Konzern Automotive
4 ans UBM - Unternehmensberatung München Business services
14 ans Interim Manager Business services
CIO / Leiter IT
(1. priorité: IT)
Programmanager / Projektmanager
(2. priorité: Project Management)
Projektcontrolling /IT Controlling
(3. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Controlling
| ID5622
Betriebswirt (VWA)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
27 ans Sika Deutschland GmbH Chemical industry
1 ans Judo Wasseraufbereitung GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
11 ans Sika Deutschland GmbH Chemical industry
Erfolgreicher Aufbau einer IT Organisation
(1. priorité: IT)
Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement
(2. priorité: Project Management)
Erfolgreiche betriebswirtschaftliche Aufbereitung von Management - Entscheidungsgrundlagen
(3. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Project Management
3. priorité: Controlling
| ID5614
Dipl. Betriebswirt
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
40 ans T-Systems International, Telecom, Data processing, information technology
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: IT
| ID5592
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge),
2 ans APOGEPHA Arzneimittel GmbH Manufacture of pharmaceutical products
0 ans Magna Spiegelsysteme GmbH Automotive
1 ans F/M/C Vermögensmanagement GmbH Business services
3 ans Ciba Spezialitätenchemie GmbH Chemical industry
2 ans MG Chemical Group Automotive
0 ans Didier-Werke AG / Veitsch-Radex AG Glass, ceramics, processing of Stones & Earths
4 ans DHL Worldwide Express GmbH Mail, courier / telecommuter services
2 ans SKF GmbH Automotive
Monats-, Quartals- und Jahresabschlüsse nach U.S. GAAP, IFRS, HGB
(1. priorité: Finance)
Konzern-, Beteiligungs-, Vertriebs- und Produktionscontrolling
(2. priorité: Controlling)
BI-Tools und ERP-Systeme (SAP etc.)
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID5591
Diplom Ökonom
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
7 ans FTE automotive (heute Valeo) Automotive
27 ans GETRAG (heute Magna) Automotive
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID5576
Dipl. Kfm.
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1 ans Gwinner Mess- und Fördertechnik GmbH&Co., Hamburg Electronics
2 ans PRAKLA Bohrtechnik GmbH mechanical engineering
4 ans Mettler-Toledo Garvens GmbH mechanical engineering
1 ans STREAMcontrol Business services
3 ans DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Transport (land / ship / air), related auxiliary activities / additional business
4 ans Aerodata AG Electronics
0 ans Volkswagen AG Automotive
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID5565
Master of Arts (Honours)
English (mother tongue), German (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge), Chinese(mandarin) (basic knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
3 ans mod Services GmbH Business services
6 ans CONCERT VERWALTUNG GmbH Business services
4 ans SIGRO Automobiltchnik Gruppe Automotive
2 ans The Alternative Board Business services
Interims CFO und Projektleiter
(1. priorité: Finance)
Interims CFO und Projektleiter
(2. priorité: Controlling)
Interims CFO und Projektleiter
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID5553
Dipl. Wi.-Ing.
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
11 ans Hekatron Vertriebs GmbH Electronics
3 ans Dräxlmaier Group Automotive
2 ans Mannesmann Plastics Machinery GmbH mechanical engineering
5 ans SICK AG Electronics
2 ans Bayerische Vereinsbank Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Other public and personal services
3 ans Berzelius-Umwelt-Service AG Recycling
Sparkonzepte und Optimierungskonzepte
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Schlanke Planungsprozesse
(1. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID5504
German (mother tongue),
11 ans SSi Schäfer Automotive
1. priorité: IT
| ID5499
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
0 ans KAREMO Interim Management Business services
30 ans BP Europa SE Automotive
Change Management, Turnaround Management, Restrukturierung
(1. priorité: Sales)
Projektleiter für die Einführung von SAP sowie Teamleader Application
(2. priorité: IT)
Key Account Manager Tankstellen
(3. priorité: Service)
1. priorité: Sales
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Service
| ID5492
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: IT
| ID5473
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
11 ans TERA Kommunalsoftware GmbH Data processing, information technology
4 ans ^CS Component Studio GmbH Data processing, information technology
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Sales
3. priorité: Service
| ID5446
Dipl. Wirtschaftsingenieur (Univ, Maschinenbau, BWL)
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
1 ans Bartec Electronic / Explosionsschutz Electronics
2 ans Rastal, Glass, ceramics, processing of Stones & Earths
1 ans Birkenstock Textile / clothing industry
3 ans Rittal GmbH & Co. KG Electronics
End to End Supply Chain - State of the Art Expertise in B2B & B2C
(1. priorité: Procurement)
Change Manager / Implementierung von Neuerungen zur Gestaltung effizienter Prozesse sowie funktionsübergreifender Implementierung und Optimierung von Strukturen und Prozessen
(2. priorité: Logistics)
Entwicklung und Mentoring von Organisationen und Mitarbeitern zu nachhaltiger Leistung und exzellenten Resultaten
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Procurement
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: IT
| ID5426
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
1 ans MAGNA Electronic Automotive
0 ans SDK Fellbach bei Stuttgart Health / veterinary / Social Care
0 ans Synatec GmbH Altlas Copco Electronics
1 ans PWC Business services
0 ans AUTOLIV Automotive
21 ans Byte Brothers Data processing, information technology
Turn around Management im Auftrag der PwC&Strategy& bei einem Tier One
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Leitung F&E für Laborgeräte
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Beratung und Aufbau Testmethodik- und Testinfrastruktur für ECU´s autonomes Fahren
(2. priorité: IT)
ITSM Beratung
(2. priorité: IT)
Produktionsleiter Industriecomputer Fertigung
(3. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Production
| ID5390
Meister Maschinenbau
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
3 ans ITW Automotive Automotive
34 ans ZF/TRW Automotive Fastener Automotive
Supply Chain Management
(1. priorité: Logistics)
(2. priorité: Procurement)
Leitung der Logistik EDV Abtteilung
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID5376
Betriebswirt VWA
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
3 ans Flachglas Gruppe Glass, ceramics, processing of Stones & Earths
3 ans Murrelektronik GmbH Electronics
0 ans Regensburger Druckgusswerk Automotive
2 ans Magna Seating Automotive
0 ans Knorr Bremse AG Automotive
3 ans Kromberg & Schubert Automotive
1 ans Faurecia Automotive
3 ans Webasto AG Automotive
8 ans Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH mechanical engineering
Reorganisation Werkslogistik
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Werksaufbau Osteuropa
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Produktivitätssteigerung AKL (Logistikzentrum)
(2. priorité: Procurement)
Neueinführung ERP System
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID5375
Dipl. Volkswirt
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Chinese (Simplified) (basic knowledge),
41 ans BMW AG Automotive
1. priorité: Procurement
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Logistics
| ID5324
German (mother tongue), English (basic knowledge),
24 ans UPM Consult GmbH Business services
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: Production
| ID5309
BA Busine4ss Administration
Dutch (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), German (excellent knowledge), French (very good knowledge),
2 ans Duvenbeck Spedition Business services
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Quality Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID5303
Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
2 ans Fresenius Medical Care Health / veterinary / Social Care
4 ans Schaeffler Technologies AG Co. KG Automotive
12 ans ZF Trading GmbH Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
9 ans Staedtler Mars GmbH & Co.KG Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
Vorgabe und Umsetzung hochautomatisierter Lagersysteme
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Outsourcing Inbound-Logistik
(1. priorité: Logistics)
BPR für IT-Programme
(2. priorité: IT)
BPR und Einführung SAP R3 und APO
(2. priorité: IT)
Linieneverantwortung für Logistik - IT
(2. priorité: IT)
Neukonzeption Vertriebsplanung und Beschaffungsdisposition
(3. priorité: Procurement)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Procurement
| ID5266
Diplom Betriebswirt (BA)
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
4 ans Karl Wörwag GmbH & Co,KG, Stuttgart Chemical industry
3 ans Tech Data GmbH&CoKG Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
7 ans Süd-Chemie AG Chemical industry
17 ans BASF AG Ludwigshafen Chemical industry
Supply Chain Management Optimierung
(2. priorité: Procurement)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID5243
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge), Romanian (basic knowledge),
2 ans Bombardier Transportation mechanical engineering
Leiter Entwicklung / Leiter R&D
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
(2. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Procurement
| ID5241
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
0 ans siehe CV Power supply (electricity, gas, district heating)
(1. priorité: Finance)
SAP LucaNet
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID5222
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
4 ans vpool Holding GmbH Business services
4 ans CHEP Deutschland GmbH Business services
3 ans LOGWIN AG Business services
4 ans CCR Logistics Systems AG Automotive
Produktion & Prozesse
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Vertrieb & Marketing
(2. priorité: Sales)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Sales
3. priorité: IT
| ID5202
Betriebswirt und Wirtschaftsinformatiker
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge), Polish (basic knowledge),
2 ans MIELE & CIE, Gütersloh mechanical engineering
0 ans Intersnack AG, vorm. CONVENT GmbH Food industry / tobacco processing
2 ans Fachhochschule Paderborn, b.i.b. Paderborn Data processing, information technology
9 ans MIELE & CIE., Gütersloh mechanical engineering
Wirtschaftsinformatiker und Betriebswirt mit IT-Spezialisierung ERP
(1. priorité: IT)
(2. priorité: Service)
Road & Rail
(3. priorité: Logistics)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Service
3. priorité: Logistics
| ID5189
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
8 ans asola Technologies GmbH Automotive
1 ans Werner & Pfleiderer Lebensmitteltechnik GmbH mechanical engineering
4 ans SCHOTTEL GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
5 ans ASSA RUKO Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
(1. priorité: Finance)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID5162
Autor Technische Dokumentation
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
2 ans Global Systems Integrator and Managed Services Provider Data processing, information technology
Datenschutz Auditor/Koordinator/Beauftragter
(1. priorité: IT)
Information Systems Auditor
(1. priorité: IT)
(3. priorité: Quality Management)
(3. priorité: Quality Management)
ISAE 3402
(3. priorité: Quality Management)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: Quality Management
| ID5148
Diplom Kaufmann (t.o.)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge),
2 ans Kreissparkasse Waiblingen Credit / Insurance, Property & Leasing, Leasing
0 ans SEB AG Credit / Insurance, Property & Leasing, Leasing
6 ans fischerwerke GmbH + Co. KG construction industry
4 ans SMP Deutschland GmbH Automotive
3 ans Storopack Hans Reichenecker GmbH Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
5 ans fischerwerke GmbH + Co. KG Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
3 ans WERU GmbH construction industry
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID5115
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
2 ans Nokia und Alcatel-Lucent (Übergang Januar 2016 ans) Electronics
7 ans Alcatel-Lucent Electronics
17 ans Alcatel SEL AG Electronics
Leiter Entwicklung - Lean Management Transformation - Führen im agilen Unternehmen
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Leiter Qualitätssicherung und Audits
(2. priorité: Quality Management)
Mobilfunkexperte im automotiven Umfeld
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Quality Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID4961
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
2 ans Alpha Pianos GmbH Furniture / Jewelery / Music- / Sports Equipment / Toys / Other
5 ans Neura AG mechanical engineering
18 ans Schindler Aufzüge und Fahrtreppen mechanical engineering
4 ans Huber & Drott Electronics
2 ans IRW Industrieplanungs-, Rationalisierungs- und Wirtschaftsberatung Business services
Gestaltung von Planungs- und Reportingsystemen
(1. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID4885
Dutch (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), German (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
19 ans Johnson Controls Automotive
IT Project management
(1. priorité: IT)
Logistics - IT projects
(2. priorité: Logistics)
Production - IT projects
(3. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: Production
| ID4850
MBA Management of Information Technology
English (mother tongue), German (excellent knowledge),
7 ans Schiller International University Education and Teaching
16 ans IndiCom Germany Business services
Entwicklung von Controlling Instrumenten und Performance Metrics
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Datenbank und Process Optimierung
(2. priorité: IT)
Quality Management
(3. priorité: Quality Management)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Quality Management
| ID4844
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID4831
Executive MBA Business Engineering
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
1 ans EGGER Holzwerkstoffe Wismar GmbH & Co. KG, Wismar Furniture / Jewelery / Music- / Sports Equipment / Toys / Other
2 ans EGGER Holzwerkstoffe Wismar GmbH & Co. KG, Wismar Furniture / Jewelery / Music- / Sports Equipment / Toys / Other
0 ans Merck KGaA, Darmstadt Chemical industry
3 ans Johnson Controls Power Solutions EMEA VB Autobatterie GmbH & Co. KGaA, Hannover Automotive
4 ans Byk Chemie GmbH, Wesel Chemical industry
2 ans COMbridge AG Langenhagen Business services
4 ans IKEA Deutschland GmbH in Saarlouis Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
Über 17 Jahre Erfahrung als Logistik Manager in wachsenden Umfeldern
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Werksleiter Logistik / Geschäftsführer Division Retail
(2. priorité: Procurement)
globaler Projektleiter aller Planungsprozesse Projekt SAP Reorganisation
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID4817
Bachelor Electronics & Electric
Dutch (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), German (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
13 ans Markem-Imaje SAS Metal production / processing, Metal products
3 ans Ontrack Data recovery Data processing, information technology
2 ans Momentum Software Data processing, information technology
3 ans Iomega GmbH Data processing, information technology
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: Marketing
| ID4784
Gepr. Betriebswirt
Spanish (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), German (excellent knowledge), French (good knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
2 ans Winkelmann Group GmbH & Co. KG Automotive
Projekte Inland und Ausland
(1. priorité: Finance)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID4773
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
16 ans Jost-Werke, Neu-Isenburg Automotive
8 ans LuK Fahrzeug-Hydraulik, Bad Homburg Automotive
(1. priorité: Logistics)
siehe Logistik
(2. priorité: Procurement)
Logistik bezogene IT
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID4626
Diplom-Kaufmann (Univ.)
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (good knowledge),
7 ans Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH mechanical engineering
Wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ergänzt
(1. priorité: Procurement)
1. priorité: Procurement
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Production
| ID4592
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
0 ans ------- Metal production / processing, Metal products
Interim Management
(1. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: Production
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID4540
Wirtschaftspädagogik, Psychologie, Industriesoziologie
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
0 ans Telecom, haufe Gruppe, Prozess Werk Oberkirch, Automotive
Senior Recruiter
(1. priorité: Human Resources)
1. priorité: Human Resources
2. priorité: IT
| ID4533
Dr. rer. nat.
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
strategisch denkender und pragmatisch handelnder CIO
(1. priorité: IT)
innovativer Entwickler von Prozessen und Produkten
(2. priorité: Research & Development)
optimierender Leiter von Logistik-Projekten
(3. priorité: Logistics)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Research & Development
3. priorité: Logistics
| ID4496
Certified Innovation Expert
German (mother tongue),
7 ans QPI - Qualitäts-, Prozess-, Innovationsmanagement Business services
30 ans HK-EDV mobile software solutions Electronics
Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Kennzahlensystems zur Unternehmenssteuerung
(1. priorité: Finance)
Digitalisierungs- und Transformationsmanagement
(2. priorité: IT)
strukturiertes, agiles Projektmanagement in Entwicklung/Forschung/Technik
(3. priorité: Research & Development)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Research & Development
| ID4483
Staatl. gepr. Betriebswirt und Wirschaftsingormatiker
German (mother tongue), English (basic knowledge),
6 ans CCT-CompetenceCenter Thüringen GmbH Business services
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Human Resources
3. priorité: Sales
| ID4476
Dipl. Ing.
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Italian (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
28 ans Hella KG Hueck Lippstadt Electronics
Vertriebsgesellschaft Geschäftsführer
(1. priorité: Sales)
1. priorité: Sales
2. priorité: Research & Development
3. priorité: IT
| ID4398
Dilom Mathematiker
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
2 ans Vivico Real Estate, Frankfurt Business services
1 ans SOPRA Software GmbH, Frankfurt Data processing, information technology
8 ans CSC Ploenzke AG, Wiesbaden Data processing, information technology
7 ans IBM Deutschland GmbH, Köln - Koblenz – Düsseldorf Data processing, information technology
Strategische IT-Beratung, IT-Konzeption; Digitalisierung - Konzeption von Gesamtarchitekturen (Prozesse – Personal-Organisation – IT)
(1. priorité: IT)
Sanierung Halbleiterhersteller, Aufbau deutscher Markt franz. Berater
(2. priorité: Finance)
Prozeßannalysen und Optmierungen bei Porduktion z.B. BMW u. Electrolux
(3. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: Production
| ID4347
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
12 ans data engineering GmbH Data processing, information technology
21 ans IBM Deitschland GmbH Data processing, information technology
Key Account Management
(1. priorité: Sales)
Erabeiten von Vertriebsstrategien
(2. priorité: IT)
Koordination des Deployments komplexer Projekte
(3. priorité: Service)
1. priorité: Sales
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Service
| ID4317
German (mother tongue), English (basic knowledge),
1 ans Migro Food industry / tobacco processing
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
(2. priorité: Controlling)
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID4308
Diplom Wirtschaftsingenieur
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
14 ans Schroff GmbH Electronics
1 ans Siemens Gebäudetechnik GmbH & Co. oHG Electronics
1 ans Cerberus Ristow GmbH &Co Electronics
2 ans Fisher-Gulde GmbH mechanical engineering
2 ans ABB AG, Mannheim mechanical engineering
5 ans IWKA AG, Karlsruhe mechanical engineering
Verantworten Finanz- und Rechnugnswesen einschließlich Steuern und Finanzierung
(1. priorité: Finance)
Implementieren von effizienten Controlling- und Reportingsystemen
(2. priorité: Controlling)
Schaffung effektiver IT-Infrastruktur
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID4304
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge),
8 ans Horst Mosolf GmbH & Co. KG internationale Spedition Transport (land / ship / air), related auxiliary activities / additional business
7 ans Benecke – Kaliko AG und Göppinger Kaliko GmbH (Continental AG) Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
Interim Leiter Qualitätsmanagement/ Interim Qualitätsmanager
(1. priorité: Quality Management)
1. priorité: Quality Management
2. priorité: IT
| ID4291
Czech (mother tongue), Slovak (excellent knowledge), German (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: Production
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Service
| ID4288
Techn Betriebswirt
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
4 ans SGL Carbon (Manager Purchasing) Chemical industry
1 ans Marxer Maschinenbau (Einkaufsleiter) Automotive
4 ans Continental Temic (Manager Purchasing) Automotive
Restrukturierung im Einkauf
(1. priorité: Procurement)
Internationales Sourcing
(1. priorité: Procurement)
Projektleitung Consignment
(2. priorité: Logistics)
1. priorité: Procurement
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: IT
| ID4205
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Marketing
| ID4189
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
3 ans Fahrzeugwerk Bernard Krone GmbH & Co. KG Automotive
2 ans Volkswagen Retail Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
5 ans Volkswagen Automonile Ostfriesland GmbH Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
3 ans Rabe Agrarsysteme GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
1 ans KDL GmbH Business services
4 ans Pollmann & Renken GmbH Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
3 ans HOCHTIEF Verkehrswegebau GmbH construction industry
12 ans Bundesluftwaffe Public Administration, Defense, Social Insurance
Kaufmännischer Leiter
(1. priorité: Finance)
(2. priorité: Controlling)
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID4187
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
0 ans APAX Partners / Kingston Respiratory Electronics
1 ans MSX International Automotive
1 ans Dassault Systemes Aerospace and spacecraft
0 ans APAX Partners / KCI Medical Acelity Electronics
8 ans Primacom AG Data processing, information technology
13 ans projekt + konzept GmbH Business services
Arbeitsrechtler und Betriebsratsspezialist
(1. priorité: Human Resources)
Turnaround, Change, Restrukturierung
(1. priorité: Human Resources)
HR Leadership
(1. priorité: Human Resources)
1. priorité: Human Resources
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID4141
MBA - Master of Business Administration
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1. priorité: Quality Management
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Production
| ID4053
Dipl.-Ing. Kfz.- und Flugzeugbau
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge), Afrikaans (basic knowledge),
33 ans PMS - Personal Management & Systeme GmbH Data processing, information technology
4 ans Roland Berger & Partner GmbH Business services
1 ans SCS Scientific Control Systems GmbH Data processing, information technology
7 ans Interdata Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, Südafrika Data processing, information technology
7 ans The Software House Pty Ltd, Pretoria, Südafrika Data processing, information technology
5 ans ISCOR - South African Iron & Steel Corp. Ltd Metal production / processing, Metal products
2 ans ICL - International Computer Ltd, South Africa Data processing, information technology
2 ans University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Education and Teaching
2 ans BÖLKOW-ENTWICKLUNGEN KG. Aerospace and spacecraft
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: Service
| ID4036
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
8 ans SACHS CONSULTING Business services
16 ans Neckermann Versand Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
4 ans Keiper Recaro Automotive
2 ans Walker Deutschland Automotive
11 ans Planungsgruppe Poppel, Beratende Ingenieure VBI Business services
Leitung von bereichsübergreifenden und unternehmensstrategisch bedeutsamen Logistikprojekten und Optimierungen von Prozessen
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Planung und Errichtung von kompletten Automotive-Montagestätten und Produktionsunterstützung als Industrial Engineer
(2. priorité: Production)
Projektmanagement in unternehmensstrategischen und prozessoptimierenden Logistik-IT-Projekten
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: IT
| ID4022
Czech (mother tongue), German (excellent knowledge), English (excellent knowledge), Slovak (basic knowledge),
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Finance
| ID4003
Diplom- Ingenieur
German (mother tongue), English (basic knowledge),
8 ans Chemieanlagenbau Chemnitz GmbH (CAC) Chemical industry
Senior Terminplaner
(2. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID4002
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
2 ans Plasticon Germany GmbH mechanical engineering
17 ans LOI Thermprocess GmbH mechanical engineering
5 ans CDP Bharat Forge GmbH Automotive
Führungserfahrung in (produzierender) Industrie, Gewerbe und Dienstleistung, national und international, Konzern oder Personengesellschaft
(1. priorité: Finance)
Neukonzeption des Projekt-Controlling
(2. priorité: Controlling)
ERP-Einführung, verschiedene Systeme
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID4000
German (mother tongue), French (excellent knowledge), Spanish (excellent knowledge), English (very good knowledge),
13 ans TASCHEN publishing group Printing, reproduction of recorded media
Reporting - Statutory, Management
(1. priorité: Finance)
HR, Legal, Procurement
(1. priorité: Finance)
Controlling Topics
(2. priorité: Controlling)
System development and implementation
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID3991
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (very good knowledge),
1 ans ubc Gmbh Automotive
2 ans Sensus Gruppe water supply
1 ans Secop Gruppe Metal production / processing, Metal products
4 ans MTS Systems mechanical engineering
10 ans SGL Group Chemical industry
Kaufmännische Geschäftsführung
(1. priorité: Finance)
VP Finance/VP Controlling
(2. priorité: Controlling)
Kaufmännische Geschäftsführung
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID3974
German (mother tongue), Spanish (excellent knowledge), English (very good knowledge),
8 ans IM² Interim Manager Mittelstand Ltd. Business services
(1. priorité: Logistics)
(2. priorité: Procurement)
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID3970
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr.
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (very good knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge), Hungarian (basic knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
4 ans Messerschmitt AG Aerospace and spacecraft
6 ans Wiener Neustädter Flugzeugwerke GmbH Aerospace and spacecraft
20 ans Lockheed Corporation Aerospace and spacecraft
9 ans Hughes Aircraft Aerospace and spacecraft
5 ans Raytheon Aerospace and spacecraft
1. priorité: Marketing
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Quality Management
| ID3919
Dipl. Betriw. BA
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Spanish (very good knowledge),
3 ans LOGRADO Consulting Business services
1 ans PRÜM GARANT Unternehemnsgruppe Business services
0 ans SWARCO GROUP – Business services
1 ans SWARCO GROUP – CEO und CFO coaching Business services
2 ans Capgemini - Head of Consulting Finance Transformation Business services
7 ans Cirquent (NTT Data) Member of Board Business services
4 ans T-Systems – Leitung Finance Consulting Business services
4 ans debis Systemhaus Business services
3 ans Entress Sport pur! Business services
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Logistics
| ID3897
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
0 ans expi GmbH Data processing, information technology
3 ans CAE Consulting GmbH Electronics
Qualitätsmanagment Elektronik Entwicklung / Produktion / Test
(2. priorité: Quality Management)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Quality Management
3. priorité: Research & Development
| ID3821
Diplom Wirtschaftsingenieur
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge), French (good knowledge), Chinese(mandarin) (basic knowledge),
1 ans Carbon Rotec GmbH & Co. KG, Lemwerder Production / processing of fissible materials & nuclear fuel
1 ans AIXTRON China Ltd., Shanghai ( China ) mechanical engineering
3 ans KSB Shanghai Pump Co., Ltd., Shanghai ( China ) mechanical engineering
3 ans Körber Schleifring Machinery ( Shanghai ) Co., Ltd., Shanghai ( China ) mechanical engineering
2 ans ETO Magnetic KG, Stockach Automotive
6 ans Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Heidelberg mechanical engineering
1 ans ABN AMRO Capital GmbH, Frankfurt am Main Business services
6 ans Bremer Vulkan Verbund AG, Bremen shipbuilding
2 ans Andersen Consulting GmbH, Frankfurt am Main Data processing, information technology
2 ans Gimbel Mexicana S.A., Mexico City Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
1 ans Bosal, Tscheschien, Brandys Automotive
0 ans Knorr Bremse Automotive
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID3775
Diplom Informatiker
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Italian (very good knowledge),
11 ans SAP Deutschland Data processing, information technology
3 ans arvato systems GmbH (Bertelsmann) Data processing, information technology
1 ans Pirelli Deutschland Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
9 ans Metzeler Reifen GmbH (Pirelli Konzern) Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
1 ans Coopers & Lybrand Unternehmensberatung GmbH Business services
6 ans Pirelli Reifenwerke Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
Personalleitung und HR-Projekte
(1. priorité: Human Resources)
Entwicklung und Einführung von IT-Systemen
(2. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Human Resources
2. priorité: IT
| ID3728
German (mother tongue),
1. priorité: Quality Management
2. priorité: IT
| ID3702
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Norwegian (very good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge), Danish (basic knowledge), Swedish (basic knowledge),
0 ans WREDE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Food industry / tobacco processing
3 ans Lebkuchen-Schmidt-Gruppe Food industry / tobacco processing
2 ans WREDE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Business services
5 ans point S Deutschland GmbH & Automeister GmbH Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
9 ans Laschinger AQUA GROUP Food industry / tobacco processing
4 ans Warth & Klein Grant Thornton Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Business services
Aufbau und Einführung von Controlling- und Reporting-Instrumenten
(1. priorité: Controlling)
ERP-Auswahl und Einführung / Prozessoptimierungen
(2. priorité: IT)
Gestaltung funktionsübergreifender Prozesse und Strukturen
(3. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Production
| ID3690
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
4 ans Health Care Manufacture of pharmaceutical products
Business Analyst
(1. priorité: IT)
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Sales
| ID3640
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (good knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge),
38 ans BASF Chemical industry
Vice President
(1. priorité: Finance)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Controlling
| ID3426
Diplom Kaufmann
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
3 ans TETENAL AG Chemical industry
21 ans Dichtungstechnik G. Bruss GmbH & Co. KG Chemical industry
zuverlässige Budgeterstellung, aktive Budgetsteuerung
(1. priorité: Finance)
Finanzierung großer Projekte
(1. priorité: Finance)
Aufbau eines Reportings mit KPI
(1. priorité: Finance)
Aufbau einer Mehrjahresplanung
(1. priorité: Finance)
Erreichung eines Investmentgrades / Aufbau Bankenpool
(1. priorité: Finance)
Erfolgreiche ERP-Einführung
(2. priorité: IT)
Aufbau eines Rechenzentrums
(2. priorité: IT)
Haustarifverträge mit der IGBCE
(3. priorité: Human Resources)
Einführung von Bonus-Systemen
(3. priorité: Human Resources)
Erhöhung Motivation, Senkung Krankenstand um 20%
(3. priorité: Human Resources)
Senkung von Arbeitsunfällen und BG Beiträgen um 30%
(3. priorité: Human Resources)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Human Resources
| ID3356
Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge),
37 ans General Motors in Europa Automotive
12 ans eigene Consulting GmbH Business services
Chief Financial Officer
(1. priorité: Finance)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Sales
| ID3353
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (good knowledge),
6 ans Holz wood and wood products
(1. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Finance
| ID3292
Dr. rer. pol.
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
2 ans HONSEL AG Automotive
2 ans C. D. Wälzholz GmbH & Co. KG Metal production / processing, Metal products
11 ans TMD Friction GmbH Automotive
4 ans KPMG Peat Marwick Treuhand GmbH Business services
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Finanz- und Rechnungswesen
(2. priorité: Finance)
IT- und Organisationsentwicklung
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID3270
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
5 ans Volvo Compact Equipment GmbH Automotive
2 ans Dr. Piringer - Gottschalk & Partner Business services
8 ans Melitta Gruppe Food industry / tobacco processing
1 ans Philipps Kommunikationsindustrie AG Electronics
3 ans 'Alfred Teves GmbH Automotive
Business Controlling des Wertschöpfungsprozesses
(1. priorité: Controlling)
kaufmännische Leitung / CFO
(2. priorité: Finance)
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID3263
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Dutch (basic knowledge),
1 ans MAN Truck & Bus AG Automotive
2 ans Drott Medizintechnik GmbH Manufacture of pharmaceutical products
3 ans ALSTOM Hydro Austria GmbH Power supply (electricity, gas, district heating)
0 ans Lieberr Transportation Automotive
0 ans Management Buy-In Projekt mechanical engineering
(1. priorité: Sales)
(2. priorité: IT)
(3. priorité: Research & Development)
1. priorité: Sales
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Research & Development
| ID3250
Mittlere Reife
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
1 ans SymphonyTeleca Corporation Automotive
Software product line engineering for automotive IVI
(2. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: IT
| ID3242
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Indonesian (basic knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
32 ans Daimler AG Automotive
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Procurement
| ID3236
Betriebswirt (VWA)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
28 ans DAREV Engineering AG Electronics
Projekt Manager
(1. priorité: IT)
(3. priorité: Service)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Quality Management
3. priorité: Service
| ID3234
Diplom Informatiker
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Portuguese (basic knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
36 ans Daimler AG Automotive
Internationale IT Projekte Automotive
(1. priorité: IT)
(2. priorité: Production)
Financial Services, Leasing und Fleetmanagement
(3. priorité: Finance)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: Finance
| ID3222
Dipl. Kfm.
German (mother tongue), Dutch (excellent knowledge), English (excellent knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
39 ans Ford Werke Automotive
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: Marketing
| ID3214
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
8 ans Mannesmann AG mechanical engineering
1 ans KPMG Business services
3 ans PA Consulting Group Business services
5 ans Ericcson Electronics
Hauptabteilungsleiter Vertrieb und Marketing
(2. priorité: Sales)
Geschäftsführer / Interimmanager / Projektleiter
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Sales
3. priorité: IT
| ID3212
Diplom Kaufmann
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
3 ans NewCon Business services
16 ans MaCon GmbH Business services
ERP-Einführung und Betreuung
(1. priorité: IT)
Aufbau Lagerorgansisation
(2. priorité: Logistics)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: Procurement
| ID3206
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Quality Management
| ID3203
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), Polish (basic knowledge),
3 ans Continental AG Automotive
7 ans SiemensVDO Automotive AG Automotive
22 ans Siemens AG mechanical engineering
9 ans Siemens AG mechanical engineering
Senior Auditor (IT-Revisionen)
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: Finance
| ID3123
German (mother tongue), Spanish (very good knowledge), English (very good knowledge), Russian (good knowledge),
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: Service
| ID3114
Electronics Enginering
French (mother tongue), Russian (excellent knowledge), Dutch (excellent knowledge), English (excellent knowledge), Bulgarian (basic knowledge), German (basic knowledge),
8 ans Melexis mechanical engineering
0 ans XPEQT mechanical engineering
3 ans CoWare Inc., Leuven, Belgium Electronics
Leading organisations with multicultural environment to achieve challenging results
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Customer and provider of offshore engineering services (India/Eastern Europe)
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Management of Eastern European high tech companies
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Program and Project Management for innovative product development
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: IT
| ID3092
MBA Finanz
English (mother tongue), German (excellent knowledge), French (very good knowledge), Arabic (basic knowledge), Chinese(mandarin) (basic knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
12 ans Gienanth GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
4 ans Fritz Winter Eisengiesserei GmbH & Co KG Metal production / processing, Metal products
Controlling von Produzierende Unternehmen
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Director Finanzen
(2. priorité: Finance)
Verbesserung von IT Kompetenzen
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID3074
Diplom-Betriebswirt (DH)
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Italian (good knowledge), French (basic knowledge), Chinese(mandarin) (basic knowledge),
Finanzielle wirksame Unternehmensführung - 360 Grad
(1. priorité: Finance)
Unternehmensplanung und Reporting
(2. priorité: Controlling)
Für richtige und wirksame Prozesse und Systeme sorgen
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID3044
Computer Science Engineer
Portuguese (mother tongue), Spanish (excellent knowledge), English (excellent knowledge), French (very good knowledge),
2 ans Processware Data processing, information technology
7 ans Timestamp Data processing, information technology
1 ans ALTRAN Data processing, information technology
4 ans CONSULMENTOR Data processing, information technology
2 ans Novabase Data processing, information technology
Program Management
(1. priorité: IT)
Functional / Business Consultant
(2. priorité: Logistics)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: Controlling
| ID3022
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge),
30 ans KUKA Systems GmbH mechanical engineering
3 ans Arnold & Richter Electronics
EDV-Kostenumlage, Lizenzmanagement, Assetmanagement
(1. priorité: IT)
Auswahl und Einführung von CA-Systemen
(1. priorité: IT)
Datenaustausch, CAD-Schnittstellen
(1. priorité: IT)
Auswahl, Einführung und Betreuung PLM
(1. priorité: IT)
(2. priorité: Research & Development)
Systemauswahl und Beschaffung Hardware
(3. priorité: Procurement)
(3. priorité: Procurement)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Research & Development
3. priorité: Procurement
| ID2894
Magister Artium
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), Chinese(mandarin) (good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
2 ans Hays/invenio (BMW AG) Automotive
2 ans Online Congress Data processing, information technology
Durchfuehrung von Marketingmassnahmen
(1. priorité: Marketing)
Monitoring und Reporting im IT- und Automotiveumfeld
(2. priorité: Controlling)
Projektmanagement und EDV
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Marketing
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID2845
Dipl. Ing. Elektrotechnik (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge),
3 ans Schaeffler Technologies - Systemhaus eMobilität Automotive
Funktionsentwicklung und embedded Softwareentwicklung
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Entwicklungswerkzeuge für Softwareproduktlinien
(2. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Human Resources
| ID2839
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
22 ans Daimler AG Automotive
Programm-Manager OEM/Tier 1
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Neuausrichtung von Automotive Geschäftsfeldern
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Entwicklungsleitung OEM bzw. Tier1
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
Entwicklungsleitung Elektronik (Embedded Systems)
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: IT
| ID2836
Dipl.Ing. Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
7 ans imatech gmbH R & D, architecture & engineering office
1 ans Brandl Maschinenbau Metal production / processing, Metal products
8 ans Braas Dachsysteme Manufacture of cement, lime, gypsum, concrete products
15 ans Bundeswehr Public Administration, Defense, Social Insurance
(1. priorité: Production)
Produktions- und Werkleiter
(1. priorité: Production)
(2. priorité: Logistics)
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Production
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: IT
| ID2769
Dr. rer. nat.
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
25 ans Daimler Automotive
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Marketing
| ID2722
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), English (very good knowledge),
33 ans Selbständig mechanical engineering
Experience/Qualifications in automotive development
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: IT
| ID2719
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
31 ans CORAK Unternehmensberatung GmbH Business services
"Implementierung von Controlling- und Reportingsystemen"
(1. priorité: Controlling)
(2. priorité: Finance)
Systemanalyse, Auswahl und Einführung neuer IT-Systeme
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID2694
Dipl.-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
18 ans Daimler AG Automotive
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Sales
3. priorité: Logistics
| ID2691
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
33 ans Ford Werke GmbH Automotive
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: Controlling
| ID2689
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
0 ans MT-AG Data processing, information technology
1 ans Audicon GmbH Data processing, information technology
9 ans IBM Deutschland Mittelstand Services GmbH Data processing, information technology
8 ans Rheinmetall Informationssysteme GmbH Data processing, information technology
3 ans Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Nordrhein, Düsseldorf Health / veterinary / Social Care
7 ans Wang Deutschland GmbH Data processing, information technology
1 ans Walter Graßen, Essen Business services
2 ans Servicetechniker im In- und Ausland Business services
6 ans Walter Graßen, Essen Business services
(1. priorité: IT)
(2. priorité: Service)
(3. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Service
3. priorité: Controlling
| ID2671
Diplom-Betriebswirt BA
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
34 ans Daimler AG Automotive
(1. priorité: IT)
(2. priorité: Sales)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Sales
| ID2655
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge),
11 ans VWAG-Autostadt GmbH Automotive
Managing Director
(1. priorité: Human Resources)
(2. priorité: IT)
Managing Director Change Projects
(3. priorité: Quality Management)
1. priorité: Human Resources
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Quality Management
| ID2652
German (mother tongue), Spanish (excellent knowledge), English (good knowledge),
39 ans Volkswagen AG/ Gedas Automotive
Aufbau von Lieferantenparks mit Einbindung von IT-Transfers
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Elektronische Materialsteuerungssysteme
(2. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Production
| ID2619
Math. Techn. Assistent
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
13 ans Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft Other public and personal services
7 ans Hettich Management Service GmBH mechanical engineering
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: Production
| ID2561
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
21 ans TRW Automotive BCS Automotive
7 ans Elektroautomation Pantel GmbH, Erlangen Electronics
6 ans Assekuranzgeschäft JLO GmbH Nürnberg Credit / Insurance, Property & Leasing, Leasing
2 ans Bundeswehr, US Army Air Defense School in El Paso Data processing, information technology
Systemeinführungen/-umstellungen Hardware und Software
(1. priorité: IT)
Automatische Buchungsabläufe für Lager und Materialbewegungen
(2. priorité: Logistics)
Scan-Automatisierung für Produktionsschritte, Kanban Systeme
(3. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: Production
| ID2532
Dipl.Ing. (TU Berlin)
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
1. priorité: Production
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID2515
Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
36 ans BMW Group Automotive
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Quality Management
3. priorité: IT
| ID2471
Dipl.-Ing. (grad)
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), Spanish (basic knowledge),
Automobil-Elektronik, HW- und SW
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Quality Management
| ID2422
Betriebswirt (staatlich anerkannt)
German (mother tongue), English (basic knowledge),
13 ans Rexnord Kette GmbH & Co KG mechanical engineering
4 ans Arcusct Unternehmensberatung GmbH Data processing, information technology
3 ans F&T Consult GmbH Data processing, information technology
9 ans Selbständig, Freiberufler Data processing, information technology
(1. priorité: IT)
Prokurist, Leiter der Materialwirtschaft, Produktionsplanung und Steuerung
(2. priorité: Production)
Prokurist Leiter der Materialwirtschaft
(3. priorité: Procurement)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: Procurement
| ID2397
Dr.- Ing.
German (mother tongue), English (excellent knowledge), French (very good knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge), Swedish (good knowledge), Italian (good knowledge),
18 ans Stinnes Interoil AG Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
3 ans VEBA OIL SUPPLY & TRADING GmbH Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
7 ans JADEN & PARTNER Unternehmensberatung Business services
2 ans Mannesmannröhren- Werke AG Metal production / processing, Metal products
6 ans Stinnes AG Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
Aufbau und stetige Weiterentwicklung des Finanz- und Rechnungswesens
(1. priorité: Finance)
Entwicklung und Einsatz praxisbezogener Controllingsysteme
(2. priorité: Controlling)
Aufbau neuer IT- Systeme
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID2390
Diplom Betriebswirt
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
6 ans Müller Weingarten AG, Weingarten/Bodensee mechanical engineering
9 ans Dynamit Nobel Kunststoff GmbH, Weißenburg/Bayern Automotive
2 ans Zentec automotive GmbH, Geilenkirchen Automotive
6 ans Böhler AG Edelstahlwerke, Düsseldorf Metal production / processing, Metal products
4 ans SKF GmbH, Schweinfurt Metal production / processing, Metal products
2 ans Motorenwerke Mannheim AG, Mannheim mechanical engineering
Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer/kaufmännischer Leiter/CFO
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer/kaufmännischer Leiter/CFO
(2. priorité: Finance)
Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer/kaufmännischer Leiter/CFO
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID2374
Dipl. Ing
German (mother tongue), Romanian (good knowledge),
1 ans init consulting AG Electronics
Entwicklung von Prozessen im Bereich SCM
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: Production
| ID2359
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
4 ans Grohe AG Metal production / processing, Metal products
4 ans Hilti Deutschland GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
5 ans WILO -GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
12 ans Bundeswehr Public Administration, Defense, Social Insurance
Vakanzüberbrückung Leitung Vertriebslogistik
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Leiten von Logistik-Outsourcing- und Reintegrationsprojekten
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Projektmanagement SAP-Einführung Vertriebslogistik
(2. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: IT
| ID2340
Dipl. Wirtschaftsing. (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
1 ans siehe CV Metal production / processing, Metal products
siehe CV
(1. priorité: Finance)
1. priorité: Finance
2. priorité: Controlling
3. priorité: IT
| ID2253
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (good knowledge), Russian (basic knowledge),
27 ans selbstständig R & D, architecture & engineering office
11 ans Universität Karlsruhe Other public and personal services
(1. priorité: Research & Development)
1. priorité: Research & Development
2. priorité: IT
| ID2237
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Dutch (very good knowledge),
40 ans Diverse Business services
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Kostenrechnugns- und Kalkulationssysteme
(2. priorité: Finance)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID2216
German (excellent knowledge),
4 ans pagemachine Data processing, information technology
6 ans Musterfirma Coking plant, petroleum processing
1. priorité: IT
| ID2167
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
26 ans BMW mechanical engineering
Beruflicher Erfahrungshorizont
(1. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Research & Development
3. priorité: Finance
| ID2149
Ing. grad.
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge),
34 ans Volkswagen Konzern Automotive
(1. priorité: Logistics)
(1. priorité: Logistics)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Controlling
| ID2117
German (mother tongue), French (excellent knowledge), English (very good knowledge),
1 ans mbp Mathematischer Beratungs- und Programmierdienst Data processing, information technology
3 ans SCS Scientific Control Systems Business services
2 ans Compac Computer Automationstechnik Data processing, information technology
4 ans Cap Gemini SCS Data processing, information technology
1 ans Siemens AG Electronics
Software-Design, Software-Engineering
(1. priorité: IT)
(2. priorité: Logistics)
Fabrikplanung, Fertigungsplanung
(3. priorité: Production)
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: Production
| ID2095
Allgemeine Hochschulreife
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
26 ans Tyco Electronics AMP GmbH Manufacture of rubber / plastic products
Aufbau einer zentralen EMEA Materialsfunktion
(1. priorité: Procurement)
EMEA Distribution Center
(2. priorité: Logistics)
Supply Chain Management China sourced Products
(2. priorité: Logistics)
SAP Implementierung
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Procurement
2. priorité: Logistics
3. priorité: IT
| ID2068
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
6 ans Klöckner GmbH & Co., Duisburg Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
2 ans Nixdorf Computer AG, Geschäftsstelle Essen Electronics
6 ans Meyer & Beck Handel, Berlin Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
10 ans Frischdienstzentrale Borgmann, Essen Business services
5 ans Bremke & Hoerster, Neheim.Hüsten Trading incl. maintenance/repairment of consumer goods (cars...)
5 ans Opti GmbH & Co., Essen Textile / clothing industry
1 ans Friedr. Krupp Gemeinschaftsbetriebe, Essen Business services
Leitung Logistik
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Projektleitung Logistische Systeme
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Projektleitung LVS
(2. priorité: IT)
(3. priorité: Controlling)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: IT
3. priorité: Controlling
| ID2054
Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Italian (basic knowledge),
10 ans bit-frame GmbH & bit-frame solutions Ltd&Co.KG Business services
20 ans HOLZ HER Power Tools mechanical engineering
4 ans Reutter und Partner Unternehmensberatung, Einzelfirma Business services
2 ans K.Jung GmbH mechanical engineering
9 ans HOLZ HER Reich Spezialmaschinenbau GmbH mechanical engineering
1 ans IIT GmbH Business services
SAP-Reporting (Optimierung nach SOX und USGAAP)
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Liabilities Management
(2. priorité: Finance)
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID2053
Maschinenbau Techniker / tech. Betriebswirt
German (mother tongue), Polish (good knowledge), English (basic knowledge),
4 ans CeramTec AG, Prozessmanager, Plochingen Chemical industry
2 ans KARL OTTO BRAUN KG Textile / clothing industry
3 ans KTW, Internationales Software & Consulting-Unternehmen Business services
3 ans GZS, Gesellschaft für Zahlungssysteme, Frankfurt Credit / Insurance, Property & Leasing, Leasing
2 ans FAG Kugelfischer AG, Schweinfurt, Radiometrie Automotive
19 ans Triumph-Adler AG, Nürnberg Electronics
(1. priorité: Logistics)
(1. priorité: Logistics)
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Produktionsplanung- und Steuerung für Groß/Kleinserien
(1. priorité: Logistics)
(2. priorité: Procurement)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID2052
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge),
4 ans BTR Brook Hansen Stephan-Werke mechanical engineering
1 ans Siegert electronic GmbH, Cadolzburg/Nürnberg Electronics
1 ans TÜV Südwestdeutschland e.V. in Mannheim/ Stuttgart Business services
16 ans ABB Asea Brown Boveri Group Electronics
ppa. Financial Controller
(1. priorité: Controlling)
ppa. Financial Controller , Kfm. Leiter, Fachbereichsleiter F+R
(2. priorité: Finance)
ppa. Financial Controller, Kfm.Leiter
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID2047
German (mother tongue), French (good knowledge), English (good knowledge),
5 ans M-Tech AG Metal production / processing, Metal products
3 ans Dambach- Werke GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
3 ans Kaldewei GmbH & Co Metal production / processing, Metal products
10 ans E.G.O. Elektro-Gerätebau GmbH Metal production / processing, Metal products
11 ans Lemmerz-Werke KGaA Automotive
2 ans Management Institut Hohenstein, Heidelberg Business services
Implementierung von Controlling-und Reportingsystemen bei Einzel-und Serienfertigung
(1. priorité: Controlling)
Umstellung auf IFRS - Abschluss
(2. priorité: Finance)
1. priorité: Controlling
2. priorité: Finance
3. priorité: IT
| ID2018
German (mother tongue), English (very good knowledge), Spanish (good knowledge), French (basic knowledge),
3 ans YMOS AG Industrieprodukte, Obertshausen Automotive
17 ans Roche Diagnostics (Sparte der F.Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel) Manufacture of pharmaceutical products
2 ans MAGNA International Ltd, Toronto, Kanada Automotive
Leiter globale Logistik
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Production Control Manager
(2. priorité: Procurement)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Procurement
3. priorité: IT
| ID2016
German (mother tongue), English (basic knowledge),
17 ans T-Systems Business services
Supply Chain Management
(1. priorité: Logistics)
Bebauungsplanung Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Prozessmodellierung- bei OEM
(2. priorité: Production)
Projekt-Portfolio-Management bei OEM-Automobilindustrie
(3. priorité: IT)
1. priorité: Logistics
2. priorité: Production
3. priorité: IT
| ID2010
Dipl.- Ing.
German (mother tongue), English (good knowledge),
29 ans Daimler Automotive
1. priorité: IT
2. priorité: Research & Development